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Lilian Kikuvi is a Kenyan-born Australian with a wealth of cross-cultural experience spanning over two decades. Throughout her journey, she has encountered and overcome various forms of discrimination, which has ignited her passion to challenge the status quo.

With over 17 years of corporate experience, Lilian has held senior leadership positions in the Public, Private, and Not-For-Profit sectors. She's also an Advisory Board Member of the social enterprise, Culturally Diverse Women. This network has supported over 300 Culturally and Linguistically Diverse women from 25 cultural heritages to close the leadership cultural diversity gap across Australian businesses.

Lilian's approach is deeply human-centric, focusing on decoding our complexity of diversity and helping individuals and businesses connect with the transformative power of inclusivity and fairness. She believes in taking an intersectional approach, recognising how identities, relationships, and social factors shape our lives.

Through collective action, Lilian strives to create positive change for people and workplaces. She believes that collective accountability and efforts can dismantle historical barriers and create sustainable change. That's why she has formed purposeful partnerships with Becoming Better Together Collective, MindTribes, Culturally Diverse Women and Future Crunch

Together, let's work towards a future where diversity, equity and inclusivity thrive.  

Lilian is excited to take this journey with you.

Contact her today.